
Surah: 056 - Ayah: 077

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related refs 56:78, 56:79, 85:21, 85:22,

According to the verse,(56:77-79): "That this is indeed a noble Qur'an (when) it is in a hidden Book (kitab maknun), which none touches save the purified ones (al-mutahharun)That is to say, that the spirit of the Qur'an, which is in the light of Intellect, none touches it with the inner hand except the purified ones.

Precious Treasures 401

The Noble Qur'an and the Hidden Book: The Noble Qur'an is concealed in the Hidden Book, i.e. the Pearl of Intellect, which is hidden in the Universal Soul, which can be touched only by those whom God has purified (56:77-79). And the same meaning is mentioned in this verse: "Nay, it is the Glorious Qur'an (hidden) in a Guarded Tablet" (85:21-22).

Sweet Smelling 17

Kitab maknun 1 (Hidden Book)

This treasure of wisdom is mentioned in verses (56:77-78): "That, verily, it is an honourable Qur'an in a hidden Book." That is, all the secrets of wisdom of the holy Qur’an are hidden in the magnificent signs of the Pearl of Intellect.

Thousand Wisdoms 707 (376)

Kitab maknun 2 (Hidden Book)

This treasure of wisdom is in verses (56:77-79): "That, verily it is an honourable Qur'an, in a Hidden Book, which none can touch save the purified ones." That is, the Pearl of Intellect.

Thousand Wisdoms 708 (376)

Maknun (Concealed hidden)
O my dear! Note the great secret in verses (56:77-79): "That, verily, it is an honourable Qur'an in a hidden Book, which none can touch save the purified ones." The hidden Book is the light of Intellect in which is the holy Qur’an’s azali luminosity in which are hidden all ta'wili secrets. This hidden Book or the azali Qur'an cannot be touched, except by those who are purified and they are the pure Imams, and it is through them that one can receive the charity of knowledge.

Thousand Wisdoms 843 (441)

(7) Q: In addition to the Noble Qur'an, can other heavenly Books be seen in Paradise, because they are a very great bounty? A: Indeed, every desire is fulfilled in Paradise. Further, it is necessary to note that one of the miracles of the Wise Quraan is that it contains the quintessence of previous heavenly Books. Thus, you should study the Qur'an with the understanding that it contains everything and make a profound endeavour to touch it in the Hidden Book (56:77-79).

Practical Sufism and Spiritual Science (10)

Tathir and tazkiyah has many purposes and the supreme one is to make the mu’mins attain the secrets of macrifat, which are hidden in the ta’wil of the Wise Qur’an and Qur’anic ta’wil is in the inner rank (light) of the Imam of the time and is called the "Hidden Book" which cannot be touched by the hand of intellect, except by those that have been purified intellectually and in knowledge (56:77-79). Thus the ultimate purpose of all worship and practices is that mu’mins should attain the hidden treasure as a result of the recognition of tawhid (macrifat-i tawhid).

Fruits of Paradise (95)

This verse has been referred 9 times.