
Surah: 039 - Ayah: 067

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related refs 11:107, 50:31, 3:133, 57:21, 35:41, 21:104,

The recognition (marifat) of human self is so important and so great, that it eventually turns into the recognition of God. It is obvious that the recognition of the Divine Treasures, such as Pen, Tablet, Angel, Prophet, Imam and other realities cannot be excluded from such a recognition. Nonetheless, one can ask this question here: How is it possible to recognize thousands of the important things mentioned in the Qur'an, one by one? The short and precise answer to this question is that in the Wise Qur'an, in reality, there is not the mention of many things, there are only many examples and in each of them there is the description of only one and the same reality, namely, oneness. The greatest and most important example of this reality is that Innumerable things of the universe and existents are one in the Hand of God, pre-eternally and post-eternally, as the Wise Qur'an says: "On the Day of Resurrection the whole of the earth will be His handful and the heavens will be rolled up in His right hand" (39:67). Here this point should be remembered very well, that this reality is eternally like this, for God has not left any of His works undone for the future, nor has He any past or future. Therefore, you should be rest assured that this is the mention of the light of Intellect, which is in the hand of God, in which both the heaven and the earth are one light, as it is said In the verse (21;30): "Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were joined together, then We parted them, and We made from water every living thing" (21:30). This is the description of the personal world, where there Is only one light with thousands of names and In which the heaven and the earth, namely, the entire universe is one. Thus God brought the pearl of light into motion, whereby the heaven and the earth came into existence separately, although, no decrease and change took place in the main light. That is to say, the universe even now is one in the light without the difference of the heaven and the earth. And the ta'wilic wisdom of making, from water, every living thing, is that from the knowledge of this light of intellect, God breathed the spirit of marifat in each and everything of the personal world.

Precious Treasures 52

When the Wise Qur'an says that on the Day of Resurrection, the universe will be folded in the right hand of God (39:67), from this we should know that as the focusing of the widespread space (universe) is mentioned in the above verse, similarly, the focusing of time is also mentioned. For time is the name of the movement of the spheres, therefore, time cannot be separated from space. Thus, when the space, by the command of God, despite being far and wide, becomes focused and close, the time also, leaving the distance of past and future, is merged in the centre of the present. This means that everything of spirituality and paradise, without spatial distance and temporal duration, becomes close and cones In front, as God says: "And the paradise is brought nigh for the righteous ones, no longer distant" (50:31). That is to say, that paradise, which is equal to the length and width of the heavens and earth (3:133; 57:21) will be focused and confined and will come in front.

Precious Treasures 28

One and Many: In our environment in the world of multiplicity, the heart of everyone may wonder how it is possible for all to be contained in one? Or how is it possible for one thing to be everything? This is not a difficult question to answer. If there is multiplicity of things and creatures, then by necessity somewhere there is their unity too. This unity is observed at the place where God enfolds the universe and existents in His powerful hand (39:67) and makes malakut (36:83), where there is the togetherness and unity of everything.

Pure Intellect 44

Matwiyyat (Things Rolled Up): That is, on the Day of Resurrection, God rolls up the heavens in His hand and makes the same hidden Pearl, namely, the Pearl of Intellect, by extending which, He makes the Universe. Thus by the enfolded universe is meant Intellect (39:67), in which all intellectual bounties are gathered together and united.

Pure Intellect 16

Part 55

In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

It is said in verses (39:67-69): “They did not esteem Allah as is His right to be esteemed, when the whole earth shall be in His handful on the day of resurrection, and the heavens shall be rolled up in His right hand.” In ta’wil, this is the description of the spiritual observation of carifs. They see such great miracles in their personal worlds. This resurrection is not different from the spiritual resurrection or the cirfani resurrection. The personal world indeed, is the world of humanity.

In the spiritual resurrection the miracles of Allah, Who is omnipotent and “doer of whatsoever He wills” (11:107), are extremely amazing. Here as an example, we would like to describe some secrets of the stage of Hazrat Israfil and Hazrat cIzra’il. The resurrection and invitation (dacwat) take place in a personal world where the sacred light of the ImÀm of the time rises and does its work. Thus, as soon as the blowing of the sur starts, the souls of the entire universe gather together in the soul of the salik or carif and his soul is seized and scattered in the entire universe. Then the souls of the entire universe are cast in his personal world. This process reveals the great secret that there are four matrices of Allah’s infinite mercy in the spiritual resurrection. The first is the carif’s soul, the second his personal world, the third is the universe and the fourth is the Universal Soul. Where there are the great miracles of Israfil and cIzra’il in the spiritual resurrection, there the miracles of these matrices are also extremely amazing. I hope that you understand the meaning of “matrix” clearly.

Thus, one of the definitions of the Imam of the time, who is also the ImÀm of all human beings, is that he makes the household of God [i.e. the people], carifs by casting them one by one in the matrix of an carif during the spiritual resurrection.

The Wise Qur’an and the World of Humanity (62)

Indeed there are seven heavens and seven earths of the world of religion and accordingly there are seven heavens and earths of the external world as well.

When the Lord of resurrection, the One/Unifier, the Subduer causes the spiritual resurrection, He enfolds the external and internal heavens and earths in His right hand and makes them the junction of the pearl of Intellect and the hidden Book (cf. 39:67). If you really want to be among the moths of the light of Hazrat-i Mawla, there is still time. Begin to make your heart abound in pure and true love for him.

Confluence of Spiritual Science and Material Science (4)

It is mentioned in verse (35:41): “Verily Allah holds the heaven and the earth, lest they move; if they moved none would hold them after Him. Verily He is All-clement, All-forgiving.”

Ta’wili purport: During the spiritual resurrection, the One/Unifier, the Subduer creates the internal world by enfolding the external world, which is thus exactly like it except that it is subtle and spiritual. All the people of the external world are in this internal world.

Regarding the enfolding of the external world, see also verses (21:104; 39:67).

Confluence of Spiritual Science and Material Science (19)

This verse has been referred 26 times.