Surah: 013 - Ayah: 015
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The wisdom – filled secrets of God are extremely marvelous and wonderful. Externally He gives freewill to people and it is up to them whether they worship Him or not, but internally He compels them to follow the path of guidance and worship. This amazing feat takes place in the personal world of the perfect Man. Reflect on verse (13:15): “ And to Allah prostrate all those who are in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly.”See also verse (24:41): “ Each one knows its salat (prayer) and tasbih (glorification of God). “ there are many more such verses in the Qur’an.
Yasjudu (He prostrates)
It is said in verses (13:15; 16:49; 22:18): "And to Allah prostrates whosoever is in the heavens and the earth." This shows that there are subtle creatures on the stars, whether you call them advanced human beings or angels or souls. In any case, no heaven is devoid of subtle creatures.
Secular scientists are perhaps trying to gauge every creature in the universe according to the touchstone of the life of the dense body, while the subtle body is very different from it. Nothing can harm it, neither heat, nor cold, nor dryness, nor moisture. It is the luminous existence, which can fly like jinn and angel, it is omnipresent in the heavens and the earth. There are many names for it in the Mighty Qur'an and you can see them everywhere in this book as well. It is the subtle man who is everything.
There are many verses in the Qur'an by studying which, it becomes evident that there are subtle creatures in the heavens and the earth, as mentioned in verse (13:15): "And to Allah prostrate all those who are in the heavens and in the earth, willingly or unwillingly." The same subject is found in verses ( 16:49; 22:18).
Part 27
In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Verse (13:15) reads: “And all those who are in the heavens and the earth prostrate themselves to God, willingly or unwillingly.”
People by their own effort cannot go to God’s presence, except by being annihilated in the Single Soul. This is called the law of enfolding (lafif, 17:104). That is, God enfolds people in the Single Soul by means of the spiritual resurrection.
Souls are gathered and dispersed again and again during the resurrection. That is, the souls are gathered from all over the universe in the personal world and then they are dispersed in the entire universe. There are numerous wisdoms in this amazing miracle.
The law of fard (single, solitary, individual) precedes fana’ fi’llah (annihilation in God). That is, those who are with the Single Soul have to become a single individual (fard-i wahid), so that they may be annihilated in one God (6:94; 19:80, 95).
The law of the extension of the shadow (madda’z-zill) is in (25:45). Ta’wili purport: Have you not seen how your Lord extends His shadow and draws it back in the sacred Sanctuary. The shadow is a parable here and its meaning (mamthul) is the light. Reflect [on this] with intellect and wisdom.
Part 73
In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful
It is mentioned in verse (13:15): “And to Allah prostrate all those who are in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly.”
It is also stated in verse (24:41): “Do you not see that all those who are in the heavens and the earth, and the birds with their wings outspread, do the tasbih of Allah? Each one knows its prayer and tasbih. Allah knows whatever they do.”
Verse (17:44) also says: “There is not a single thing but that it does tasbih with His hamd (praise), but you do not understand their tasbih. Verily, He is forbearing and forgiving.”
We have discussed the purpose and method of this book in its introduction. God willing, this book will be an exegesis of the hadith: “People are Allah’s household”.80 Our humble attempt is to provide some examples of the infinite bounties of God for the world of humanity in the spiritual resurrection and the wise Qur’an. We want to demonstrate that the innermost (batin-i batin) of the world of humanity, i.e. the intellect, is very dear to God.
This verse has been referred 6 times.