Surah: 002 - Ayah: 214
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Regarding the Qur'anic and spiritual knowledge about the quake of Resurrection, duly reflect on this Divine teaching: "Do you think that you would enter Paradise (of spirituality) while there has not yet come upon you the like of what befell those who passed away before you? Distress and affliction befell them, they were shaken by a quake so that the Messenger and those who believed with him said: When will the help of Allah come? Verily Allah's help is near." (2:214).
There is no doubt that there are many levels of fear of God, and on the highest level, i.e. the place of spirituality, astonishing miracles of the fear of God appear. These miracles are briefly mentioned in the holy Qur’an, such as cellular quakes (2:214), awakening of half-dead or dormant cells (39:23), remembering God with the body (cells) along with the heart (39:23), word of taqwÀ (kalimah-yi taqwa) and the function of Izra'il (`amal-i `Izra'ili) (48:26; 3:143), vision of the spirit of the Qur’an (59:21), i.e. fearing God by seeing the Spirit and spirituality of the Qur’an, the hearts reaching the throats due to the onslaught of the spiritual army (33:10, this is also the miracle of the spiritual death), fearing of the heart according to the standard of spirituality (8:2), etc. All these are miracles of the fear of God.
Quake of spirituality and resurrection or the astonishing quake is related, not only to the external world, but also to the personal world. Thus, it is prominently mentioned in these four places of the noble Qur’an (2:214, 22:1-2, 33:11, 99:1-8). In addition to these, there are many other verses which describe the secrets and allusions of this superior subject in the language of wisdom, such as in verse (39:23): “God has revealed the most beautiful speech which is equivocal and repeated, whereat do creep the skins of those who fear their Lord, then their skins and their hearts do soften for the remembrance of God”. If we look at this quake or shivering with respect to the personal world, it is an extremely great spiritual miracle of the holy Qur’an and ism-i a`zam. However, an important question arises here that, if according to the profound wisdom of the Qur’an, all meanings of related and necessary fear are contained in the fear of God, then why is shivering mentioned separately? What wisdom is hidden in it?
Zulzilu (They were shaken)
In verse (2:214) God says: "Or do you think that you would enter paradise while there has not yet come upon you the like of what befell those who passed away before you? Distress and affliction befell them, they were shaken so that (ultimately) the Messenger and those who believed with him started to say: When will the help of Allah come? (They were consoled that) verily, Allah's help is near." This is a part of the subject of spiritual quake.
This verse has been referred 7 times.